EMF Surveys For Home Buying & Selling

What are EMFs?

Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are a type of radiation that originates from pylons, power lines and other sources. Some research evidences that these may be harmful to health. This issue can be worrisome for anybody currently living or possibly planning to live In property near power lines, pylons and substations – generally the closer you are, the higher the EMFs.

It’s important to note that areas with high levels of EMFs generally off limits to the general public. However, there’s still a concern about exposure to low level EMFs and human health.

Currently every health institution across the world accepts that exposure to high levels of EMF radiation can be a cause of cancer however the UK, current government national exposure levels and regulation offer no biological EMF protection.

Our EMF Surveys for home buying and selling

EMF testing offers a definitive expert decision; clearly stating whether or not an electromagnetic radiation (EMR) health risk is present. In cases where electromagnetic fields fall below biological guidelines, our reports are supported by “real-time” graphic frequency data; therefore, bringing complete peace of mind.

The only way to ensure the safety of EMR in any given area – from the perspective of Healthy Human Biology – is to commission an expert in the field to carry out appropriate EMF testing.

If you are considering purchasing a home close to an Electrical Substation or Pylon, our Site-Survey provides electromagnetic mapping – direct onto frequency charts. Therefore, providing conclusive evidence on the safety of the location.

All our findings are supported by the real-time data-charts, which form part of our “electronically witnessed” written assessment. 

EMF testing provides a clear breakdown of all the magnetic flux density values radiating from the electrical distribution system.

Our EMF Surveys are essential for peace of mind from both a health and property resale perspective.

EMF testing for pre-build projects and developments

We are often commissioned to perform detailed risk assessments on pre-build projects and developments. This gives our clients the opportunity to draw data from the local environment, which can then be included in the forthcoming build.

Our analysis emphasises HV and HC supply locations and considers any electrical discharge, such as the following environmental hazards:

* Substations
* Unbalanced three-phase supply loads
* Broken electrical network neutrals
* Overhead power cables
* Telecommunications towers

Overall, EMF testing audits place particular emphasis on circumstances pertaining to the client’s build-management mandate. This demonstrates prudent environmental EMR safety when applying for planning consent or change-of-use permission.

What our customers say

Have any questions?

EMF detection can be a confusing subject. Get in touch with one of our advisors for a friendly, no pressure conversation. We’ll be happy to answer your queries!


0113 262 0953 info@substation-health-risks.co.uk